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Governor Phil Murphy
Lt. Governor Tahesha Way
Commissioner Robert Asaro-Angelo
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Welcome to NJDOL Employer Access (TWES)

Our new online service for employers is convenient and easy to use. With Employer Access, you'll have 24/7 access to view your account summary, payment history and any deficiencies, employer and worker contribution rates, and annual contribution rate notice. You can also receive email reminders for application milestones and renewal periods.

You must link a myNewJersey account to the Employer Access system to view your information. This is a simple, one-time process.

Your myNewJersey account lets you access many different state services and get important information in one place. You can easily switch between these services without having to log out of your account. The next time you log in to your myNewJersey account, you'll see Employer Access listed as a Labor Application you can use.

If you already have a myNewJersey account, we'll tell you how to link it to the Employer Access application during this process. If you need to create a myNewJersey account, you'll be able to do so.

NOTE: The person who creates the Employer Access (TWES) account is the administrator. Only the administrator can add or remove additional users (such as a payroll manager, payroll service, or accountant). This setup ensures that only the administrator controls who can access the information in the account.

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